Fuel Rod (Uranium)

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Fuel Rod (Uranium)
Fuel Rod (Uranium)

Name Fuel Rod (Uranium)
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Uranium Cell is the main component of nuclear fission in a Nuclear Reactor. This generates enormous amounts of almost free energy. However, during the process of fission, the Cell generates excessive amounts of heat, which must be eliminated by the use of Heat Vents, Coolants and the R.S.H. or the L.Z.H. The Uranium Cell can be obtained either by combining Refined Uranium with an Empty Cell, or combining a Re-Enriched Uranium Cell with Coal Dust.

The Uranium cell can be crafted by placing an empty cell with a Uranium Fuel Ingot.


GUI Solid Canning Machine.png
Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel
Fuel Rod (Empty)
Fuel Rod (Uranium)


Fuel Rod (Uranium) has no known uses in crafting.