Fuel Rod (MOX)

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Fuel Rod (MOX)
Fuel Rod (MOX)

Name Fuel Rod (MOX)
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2 Experimental
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.6.4
Type Nuclear Reactor Fuel
Stackable No

MOX, or Mixed Oxide fuel rods are a more efficient way to generate power using Nuclear Reactors. They have the same base EU output, heat output and efficiency scaling values as uranium; however, the EU output increases proportionally to the reactor's hull heat, up to (theoretical) 5x at 100% heat. In a fluid reactor they behave more tamely, immediately jumping to double heat output when the reactor's heat exceeds 50%. They are made using Uranium 238 and Plutonium.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
MOX Nuclear Fuel


GUI Crafting Table.png
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
Uranium 238
MOX Nuclear Fuel

They then are put in a canning machine to make MOX Fuel Rods

GUI Fluid-Solid Canning Machine (Canning).png
Fuel Rod (Empty)
MOX Nuclear Fuel
Fuel Rod (MOX)