Fishing Rod (Minecraft)

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The main article can be found at Minecraft Wiki: Fishing Rod.

Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod

Fishing Rod

Name Fishing Rod
Source Mod Minecraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
EMC Value 36
Durability 65

Fishing Rod is a tool item from vanilla Minecraft. It is a used to catch fish such as the Raw Cod, Raw Salmon, Clownfish and Pufferfish. Many mods also add their own fish items which can be obtained with the Fishing Rod.

Fishing is a lengthy process. The rod has to be casted by right-clicking, the floater has to hit a block of Water which has at least 2 other Water blocks underneath it. The player must then wait for the floater to splash down into the water, indicating a fish is hooked. At that point it has to be reeled in by right-clicking. Particle effects can often be seen approaching the floater right before a fish is hooked.


GUI Crafting Table.png

Fishing Rod (Minecraft)


Fishing Rod (Minecraft) can be used to create the following items: