Watering Can (Broken)

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Watering Can (Broken)
Watering Can (Broken)

Name Watering Can (Broken)
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
First Appearance ExtraUtilities1.0.3
Type Item
Stackable No

Watering Can (Broken) is an item added by the Extra Utilities mod. When placing a Watering Can in a non player inventory and it right-clicks it, the Watering Can will turn into a Watering Can (Broken). For example if you place a Watering Can into an Autonomous Activator and set it to right-click mode, it will replace the Watering Can with a broken one.

This was put in place because of an 'exploit' that would fertilize crops very quickly. In use with the Lilypad of Fertility, added by Xeno's Reliquary, it made a wheat grow to mature in about 3 seconds.


Watering Can (Broken) has no known uses in crafting.