Reversing Hoe

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Reversing Hoe
Reversing Hoe

Name Reversing Hoe
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable 1


Since the last versions, it's working much like mundane hoe, just unbreakable. Unstable Ingot Unstable Ingot can be substituted with Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot. But it will not give a resulting tool any extra enchantments.

In Extra Utilities version 1.2.2 and before: Will regress your wheat crops back to a previous state when you right click on them, which is not useful in any way, shape or form. However, it can turn dirt blocks back into grass and cobblestone into regular stone. [1]


GUI Crafting Table.png
Unstable Ingot
Unstable Ingot



Reversing Hoe

