Stone Transport Pipe
A Stone Transport Pipe is a simple pipe used to transport items. It cannot receive power from an Engine like Wooden Transport Pipes do and does not extract things.
Stone Transport Pipes work the same way as Cobblestone Transport Pipes or Quartz Transport Pipes. They will connect to each other and any other type of pipe except for the Cobblestone Transport Pipe and the Quartz Transport Pipe. This mechanic can be used to run two or more separate pipe lines close to each other.
It is important to make sure the pipes are attached to the correct side of a block. A pipe connected to the top of a furnace will place items in the top slot. When placed on the right side, it will place items into the output slot.
To transport liquids, Stone Fluid Pipes are used. Stone Kinesis Pipes are able to transport energy from Engines, up to 16 MJ/t.
Stone Transport Pipe can be used to create the following items: