Pulsating Chipset

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Pulsating Chipset
Pulsating Chipset

Name Pulsating Chipset
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Chipset
Stackable Yes (64)

The Pulsating Chipset is added by BuildCraft. It is used for crafting the Autarchic Gate, which can make the same pulses as a Redstone Engine when placed on a Wooden Transport Pipe.

It does not warm up in the same way as a Redstone Engine, and thus is not quite as fast.

It is also used as a tier 2 "Chip" in some GregTech 4 recipes, even though one of its products, the Autarchic Gate, is considered tier 1.


GUI Assembly Table.png
Redstone Dust

Ender Pearl

Pulsating Chipset


GUI Assembly Table.png
Redstone Dust

Ender Pearl

Pulsating Chipset

1000000 RF

GregTech 5[edit]

GUI Forming Press GT5.png
Forming Press
Ender Pearl
Redstone Chipset
Pulsating Chipset
24000 EU
120 EU/t
120 EU
10 secs


Pulsating Chipset can be used to create the following items: