Talisman of Remedium (Thaumic Tinkerer 1)

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Talisman of Remedium
Talisman of Remedium

Talisman of Remedium

Name Talisman of Remedium
Source Mod Thaumic Tinkerer 1
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No
Research Tier 2

The Talisman of Remedium is a tool from Thaumic Tinkerer 1 which removes Debuffs when active.

Research Scroll[edit]

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This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Research Requirements

Cognito Instrumentum Praecantatio Sano

By studying the elements of life and body, you are confident you can make an item to purify yourself.

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

You have studied life and body and found that through the application of magic you can protect yourself from harmful outside influences by redirecting these effects to another place. This talisman will dispel most harmful effects on the holder, at the cost of vis from the local aura.

To enable or disable this ability, one would shift-right click on it. As expected, it only works whilst enabled.


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Talisman of Remedium (Thaumic Tinkerer 1)
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