Stopwatch of the Timetwister

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Stopwatch of the Timetwister
Stopwatch of the Timetwister

Name Stopwatch of the Timetwister
Source Mod Thaumic Tinkerer 1
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

A magic clock which allows the user to reset the player's position, health and food to a prior bound point. Using the watch results in a one-minute countdown on the player's screen, after which he will be teleported back to the binding point. Using the Stopwatch does not cost vis or durability.


The Stopwatch requires prior research of (The) Theory of Everything before becoming craftable.

Research Aspects Required
Stopwatch of the Timetwister

Tempus Machina

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

You have found a way of twisting the very fabric of time to your own will.

With a simple click of this stopwatch you can bind your position, health, and food to it. One minute later, if you still have the watch in your possession, you will be returned to this point.


Made on an Infusion Altar:

GUI Infusion Altar (TC3).png
Infusion Altar

Nether Quartz
Nether Quartz
Nether Quartz
Nether Quartz

Stopwatch of the Timetwister
85 Vis
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