Wand of Uprising

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The research that you need for the Wand of Uprising is:

Praecantatio(the purple magic symbol), Motus(the man with lines behind him), Volito(the wing symbol), Potentia(the hand holding a lighting bolt).

Praecantatio can be found in shards, Motus in Air Shards, Volito in feathers, Potentia in redstone,

Description of wand: Knowing the power of the Sword of the Zephyr to propel foes away, you are trying to create something that will allow you to propel yourself. While someone is flying through the use of this Wand, any accumulated gravitaional energy is negated, reseting the fall damage the holder would take.


GUI Infusion Altar (TC3).png
Infusion Altar

Quicksilver (Thaumcraft 3)
Quicksilver (Thaumcraft 3)
Wand of Lightning
Quicksilver (Thaumcraft 3)
Quicksilver (Thaumcraft 3)

Wand of Uprising
0 Vis
Wand of the Apprentice
50 Vis