Cryogenic Globe

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Cryogenic Globe
Cryogenic Globe

Name Cryogenic Globe
Source Mod Thaumic Tinkerer 1
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

A magic item, which will keep any living being from despawning. The globe is consumed in the process.


The Cryogenic Globe requires prior research of Unified Thaumic Field Theory before becoming craftable.

Research Aspects Required
Cryogenic Globe

Corpus Gelum Tempus Victus

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

After study of the element of cold, you managed to devise a globe of pure cold.

This globe can be utilized by left clicking on a living being (this won't hurt them). Upon doing so, the globe is consumed, and the living being gets possessed with cryogenic energy, preventing it from naturally despawning.


Made on an Infusion Altar:

GUI Infusion Altar (TC3).png
Infusion Altar

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Cryogenic Globe
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