Enchanted Fabric (Thaumcraft 3)

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Enchanted Fabric
Enchanted Fabric

Enchanted Fabric

Name Enchanted Fabric
Source Mod Thaumcraft 3
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Enchanted Fabric is a beginner material crafted at an Arcane Worktable. It is essential for some items available after more research, such as the Boots of the Traveller.

Research Scroll[edit]

Spoiler warning!
This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Research Requirements

Pannus Praecantatio

By combining spider silk and wool and infusing it with raw vis, you have created a silky length of magical cloth that would have numerous uses. You're not quite sure what those uses are yet, but you are sure you will think of something.


GUI Arcane Worktable (TC3).png
Arcane Worktable


Enchanted Fabric (Thaumcraft 3)
5 Vis
Wand of the Apprentice
45 Vis