Accessory: Spectacles (Thaumcraft 3)

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Accessory: Spectacles
Accessory: Spectacles

Accessory: Spectacles

Name Accessory: Spectacles
Source Mod Thaumcraft 3
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

Golem are notoriously short sighted, and these glasses alleviate that weakness to some degree.

2013-01-12 17.50.52.png


Spectacles must be crafted at the Infusion Altar. Crafting also consumes 25 Vis and 8 Visum (from a nearby crucible or other source)

GUI Infusion Altar (TC3).png
Infusion Altar
Iron Ingot

Accessory: Spectacles (Thaumcraft 3)
25 Vis
Wand of the Apprentice
25 Vis