Mystic Unguent

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Mystic Unguent
Mystic Unguent

Name Mystic Unguent
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name Unknown
Type Potion
Stackable Unknown

The Mystic Unguent is an item added by the Witchery mod. It is used for the Rite of Infusion for the Mystic Branch.


Ingredients for the brew Ingredients for the brew
Redstone Soup Redstone Soup, Potion of Strength Potion of Strength (8:00), Diamond Diamond, Rowan Sapling Rowan Sapling, Creeper Heart Creeper Heart, and Demonic Blood Demonic Blood

*Also 3000 Altar power is required

*Wearing a Witches Hat and/or Robes while brewing can yield more brews than three.


Mystic Unguent can be used to create the following items: