Brew of the Depths

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Brew of the Depths
Brew of the Depths

Name Brew of the Depths
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name Unknown
Type Potion
Stackable Unknown

The Brew of the Depths is an item added by the Witchery mod. It is one of the few Witchery drinkable potions and when consumed it gives the user gills, granting them the ability to breathe underwater. The drinker, however, will not be able to breathe air, but only water, for five minutes, unless they drink milk or die to remove the potion effects.


GUI Kettle.png
Tear of the Goddess
Water Artichoke Globe
Lily Pad
Odour of Purity
Ink Sac
Brew of the Depths

  1. Wearing a Witches Hat and/or Robes while brewing can yield more brews than three.