Demon (Witchery)

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Name Demon
Health 100 (Heart.png x 50)
Damage Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png
Can fire off Fire Charges
Defense Immune to fire-based attacks
Hostility Hostile
Spawn Anywhere with the Rite of Summoning ritual
Drops Demon Heart, Gunpowder, and Magma Cream
Source Mod Witchery

Demons are a mob from the Witchery mod. This mob does not spawn naturally, they must be forced into the world via a Rite of Summoning. They are native to the Nether but cannot be found there by normal means.

When summoning a demon it is a good idea to be prepared for a fight, or at least to be prepared to defend if one plans on trying to just trade with the demon like trading with villagers. A Devils Tongue Charm is required to instigate the trade. Demon Hearts are a powerful artifact for most things witch and if one cannot barter with a demon for a spare heart one can always carve out the heart straight from the demon, using an Arthana helps with acquiring the heart via carving. Some say though that when trading with a demon for a heart they can trick you so be cautious!


GUI Infernal Circle Magic.png
Refined Evil
Ender Pearl
Blaze Powder


Altar Power: 3000
GUI Infernal Circle Magic.png
Refined Evil
Ender Pearl
Blaze Powder
Attuned Stone (Charged)

Altar Power: 3000

  • Inside the circle there must be an area of 7x7x4 with nothing for the demon to spawn.