Thaumostatic Pylon

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Thaumostatic Pylon
Thaumostatic Pylon

Name Thaumostatic Pylon
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 5.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Thaumostatic Pylon is a block added by the Automagy 1 mod. It is a part of the multiblock that refills the Thaumostatic Harness worn on the player in a large area around it. The more of these blocks are in the mutiblock structure, the bigger the range is and the greater the charging speed is. See Thaumostatic Controller page for the info about how to construct the multiblock.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Thaumostatic Spire
Aerial refueling

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"As a busy thaumaturge jetting about from place to place, the lengthy routine required to refuel your thaumostatic harness has become quite a nuisance. Now, you have found a better way.

By combining your knowledge of the thaumostatic field and energized nodes, you can use this field to transmit Potentia through the air. Establishing and maintaining the link between a Potentia source and its destination is mentally taxing but a crystalline brain fortified by Aer is well suited to the task.

The Thaumostatic Spire which enables this has several requirements which must be met to construct it and to keep it functioning.

The first step is to create two Thaumostatic Pylon blocks and a Thaumostatic Controller. A chiseled quartz block and a block of thaumium are also required.

Next, the components must be placed in a suitable location. The chiseled quartz block goes on the bottom and the thaumium block should be on top, with the pylons and controller placed in any order between them (with no gaps). The thaumium block must have empty space above it and an unobstructed view upward to the open sky. Once everything is in place, right-click on the controller with your wand.

The Spire can cover a wide horizontal area and has no vertical limit. Any equipped thaumostatic harness in the area which contains a warded jar will have a steady supply of Potentia provided to it so long as the Spire has any to give and it is powered by Aer vis from a relay. Use essentia tubes to connect the controller to the Potentia source.

The covered area can be increased by feeding the controller a steady supply of Aer essentia. The rate at which Potentia is distributed to harnesses in the area can be increased by piping in Volatus. Both are amplified through the placement of additional pylon blocks in the structure. (No benefit is gained after the structure's sixth pylon.)

Right-click a side of the controller with your wand to change the type of essentia it will accept on that specific side."


GUI Arcane Worktable.png
Nether Quartz
Iron Ingot
Nether Quartz
Air Shard (Thaumcraft 4)
Essentia Tube
Air Shard (Thaumcraft 4)
Nether Quartz
Iron Ingot
Nether Quartz
Thaumostatic Pylon


Thaumostatic Pylon can be used to create the following items: