Avarice Pearl

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Avarice Pearl
Avarice Pearl

Name Avarice Pearl
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (16)

Avarice Pearl is an item added by the Automagy 1 mod. It is a crafting component for various items. It can be thrown like an Ender Pearl and will drag items near the place it lands to the player. May cause Warp to the player.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Greedy Chest
Greed is good

Research aspects in this item[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"You have sometimes wondered whether the nature of the hungry chest was actually tied to true gluttony or if you were merely anthropomorphizing a simple, largely-immobile automaton. There's just something about the sound it makes when it gobbles things up....

You have been unable to detect any cognitive ability in the things but your studies have nonetheless led you to methods by which other "needs" could be imbued upon such objects. It was a small jump to go from a basic hunger to primitive greed, though harnessing this into something useful to you required the invention of some special components.

The greedy chest steals items as they are placed in adjacent inventories. In effect, 50% of everything put into its neighbors ends up inside the greedy chest instead, provided the items will fit. If you right-click it with your wand, you can change this behavior so it takes more or less, attempts to maintain a stock, or takes only items that surpass a given threshold. You can also choose which neighbors it will steal from.

The chest will not take from hoppers below it, nor can it steal from another greedy chest that is set to take from its location.

You are working on a way to make the chest covet only specific things (a filtering mechanism of sorts) but this should be a good start.

In the meantime, the other properties of this pearl you discovered seem interesting. A normal ender pearl teleports you when thrown, but this one is more keyed in to nearby items. Perhaps you should take it out for a spin. You might even learn something.

Enchanted Paper:
With the use of runic whitelists and blacklists, you can change what the chest covets and to what degree, letting you control which items it will grab."


Crucible Crafting.png
Avarice Pearl
Ender Pearl


Avarice Pearl can be used to create the following items: