Bronze Tool Rod

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Bronze Tool Rod
Bronze Tool Rod

Name Bronze Tool Rod
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
OreDict Names
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Bronze Tool Rod is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Tool Rods, which is most commonly used as the handle for tools made with the mod. Though it can be crafted using a Part Builder, these recipes are disabled by default, the Smeltery is used instead.


  • Material: Bronze
  • Base Durability: 550
  • Handle Modifier: 1.3x
  • Mining Speed: 8
  • Mining Level: 2 (Redstone)
  • Attack: 2 (Heart.png)
  • Traits: Reinforced I


GUI Liquid Table Casting.png

Molten Bronze (Tinkers' Construct)


Tool Rod Cast
Bronze Tool Rod

GUI Part Builder.png
Tool Rod Pattern
Bronze Ingot (Tinkers' Construct)

Bronze Tool Rod
Bronze Shard
GUI Part Builder.png
Tool Rod Pattern
Bronze Shard

Bronze Tool Rod


Bronze Tool Rod can be used to create the following items: