Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)

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Molten Signalum
Item Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct).gif

Molten Signalum

Name Molten Signalum
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
Type Fluid
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.0
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Nothing
Required Tool Grid Bucket.png

Molten Signalum is a liquid added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. The liquid is the Signalum metal in its liquid form. It is created in a Smeltery and can be used to create Signalum Ingots by pouring it out onto a Casting Table with an Ingot Cast. The Signalum Block can be crated by pouring the liquid into a Casting Basin. Both actions require the use of the Smeltery.

It is created by combining Silver, Copper and Destabilized Redstone at a 1:3:6.944(or 1000MB per Silver Ingot) ratio (respectively) in a Smeltery and produces 4 Signalum Ingots.


GUI Alloying.png
Smeltery Alloying






GUI Smeltery.png
Signalum Block
550 C
Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)
GUI Smeltery.png
Signalum Gear
550 C
Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)

GUI Smeltery.png
Signalum Nugget
350 C
Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)
GUI Smeltery.png
Signalum Ingot
400 C
Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)

GUI Smeltery.png
Signalum Blend
375 C
Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct)


Molten Signalum (Tinkers' Construct) can be used to create the following items: