Manyullyn Ingot

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Manyullyn Ingot
Manyullyn Ingot

Name Manyullyn Ingot
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Manyullyn Ingot is an ingot added by Tinkers' Construct. They are currently the end-game material - alloy of Cobalt Ingots and Ardite Ingots, with the highest durability, handle modifier, and mining level of all materials. They are used in the creation of Manyullyn Tool Pieces.

Despite having the highest durability, they are not always the best way to be used in tools; For example: the bow would be very slow and the sword would deal less damage than it should.


GUI Liquid Table Casting.png

Molten Manyullyn (Tinkers' Construct)

144 mB

Ingot Cast
Manyullyn Ingot


Manyullyn Ingot can be used to create the following items: