Molten Cobalt (Tinkers' Construct)

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Molten Cobalt
Item Molten Cobalt (Tinkers' Construct).png

Molten Cobalt

Name Molten Cobalt
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
Type Liquid
Stackable Yes (64)

Molten Cobalt is a liquid added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. The liquid is the Cobalt metal in its liquid form. It is created in a Smeltery and can be used to create Cobalt Ingots by pouring it out onto a Casting Table with an Ingot Cast. The Block of Cobalt can be created by pouring the liquid into a Casting Basin. Both actions require the use of the Smeltery.


GUI Smeltery.png
Cobalt Ore
650 C
Molten Cobalt (Tinkers' Construct)


Molten Cobalt (Tinkers' Construct) can be used to create the following items: