Bone Pickaxe Head

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Bone Pickaxe Head
Bone Pickaxe Head

Name Bone Pickaxe Head
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Bone Pickaxe Head is a crafting component added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is one of the many available Pickaxe Heads, which is used to craft Pickaxes.


  • Material: Bone
  • Base Durability: 200
  • Handle Modifier: 1x
  • Mining Speed: 4
  • Mining Level: 1 (Iron)
  • Attack: 2 (Heart.png)
  • Traits: None


GUI Part Builder.png
Pickaxe Head Pattern
Bone (Minecraft)

Bone Pickaxe Head


Bone Pickaxe Head can be used to create the following items: