Bio Diesel Cell

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Bio Diesel Cell
Bio Diesel Cell

Name Bio Diesel Cell
Source Mod GregTech
ID Name Unknown
Type Cell
Stackable Yes (64)

Bio Diesel Cells are a type of cell introduced in GregTech 4. They are created by distilling Biomass in the GregTech 4 Distillation Tower. It can be burnt in a Diesel Generator to produce a total of 32,000 EU at 12 EU/t. It is registered as the equivalent of Biofuel in the liquid registry, so it will burn the same as that liquid.

Since Forestry v2.2.0.2 and later changed the name of Biofuel to Ethanol, there may be compatibility issues with those versions.


GUI GT4 Distillation Tower.png
Distillation Tower
Biomass Cell (GregTech 4)

Bio Diesel Cell

Empty Cell
EU: 12,800
Time: 20 secs
MaxEnergy: 32 EU/t


Bio Diesel Cell can be used to create the following items: