Spray Can (Magenta)

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Spray Can (Magenta)
Spray Can (Magenta)

Name Spray Can (Magenta)
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 2048

Spray Can (Magenta) is a tool item added by the GregTech 4 mod. It can be used for dying things in magenta. One dying in world costs 1 durability of this tool while 1 crafting uses up 32. It transforms to Empty Spray Can when losing all of its durability.


GUI GT4 Canning Machine.png
Automatic Canning Machine
Magenta Dye
Empty Spray Can
Spray Can - Magenta

EU: 800
Time: 40 secs
MaxEnergy: 1 EU/t


Spray Can (Magenta) has no known uses in crafting.