Ultimet (GregTech 4 Material)

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Ultimet is a material added by GregTech 4 mod. It is useless as of 4.08.08.

In GregTech 4 Ultimet comes in these forms:

GUI GT4 Material Tree.png
Ultimet - Co5Cr2NiMo


Ultimet Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Ultimet Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Ultimet Dust (GregTech 4)
Ultimet Plate (GregTech 4)

Ultimet Ingot (GregTech 4)
Hot Ultimet Ingot (GregTech 4)
Ultimet Rod (GregTech 4)
Ultimet Round
Ultimet Bolt (GregTech 4)
Ultimet Ring
Ultimet Screw (GregTech 4)
Ultimet Nugget (GregTech 4)