Self: Silverwood Heart

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Silverwood Heart is a Self-Infusion added by the Thaumic Horizons mod. It gives immunity to Taint damage and debuffs, also lowers the severity of mundane debuffs.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Silverwood Heart
Purity of body

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"Your research into taint reveals a strange duality: it exists simultaneously as an organic pathogen and a magical disturbance, allowing it to infect both living and nonliving (though magically active) matter. The only known defenses against this combined assault involve the silverwood tree and shimmerleaf, which seem to have evolved a natural resistance.

Now you have discovered a way to imbue your new body with these protective qualities. By adding special membranes to your heart you can filter out and dispose of any taint which enters your bloodstream.

With this infusion, you will be immune to damage from taint, including both direct contact and lingering poison effects. Better still, your modified heart can also filter out other toxins, both mundane and magical. While the Silverwood Heart does not grant complete immunity to poison, wither, and flux effects, it will reduce their severity."

Self-Infusion Recipe[edit]

GUI TC4 Infusion.png
Infusion Altar
Silverwood Sapling (Thaumcraft 4)
Silverwood Log (Thaumcraft 4)
Shimmerleaf (Thaumcraft 4)
Silverwood Log (Thaumcraft 4)
Self: Silverwood Heart
Corpse Effigy


Self: Silverwood Heart has no known uses in crafting.