Guardian Panther

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Guardian Panther
Name Guardian Panther
Health 24 (Heart.png x 12)
Hostility Friendly
Spawn from Mob Infusion
Score 1
Drops Nothing
Breeding Raw Cod Raw Cod
Source Mod Thaumic Horizons

Guardian Panther is a Mob Infusion added by the Thaumic Horizons mod. It can be applied to a Cat. The resulting creature looks like a big Cat. This creature still repells Creepers, but also has the same abilities as the Wolf, being faster and stronger. 2 of these creatures can be bred together, but the baby animal born will be a normal Cat.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Feline Infusions
Purrfecting your pets

Research aspects in this mob[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"Your cats make fine companions, but with a few tweaks they could also be put to more practical uses.

The first such infusion you have discovered radically increases a housecat's size, resulting in a human-sized animal which retains its feline grace and power. By overstimulating its bonding instinct you have also instilled ferocious loyalty in the resulting panther. It will now defend you much like a tamed wolf, although it is faster and stronger. Creepers retain their fear of cats regardless of size.

Oddly enough, cat fur interacts strongly with the aura, even if no node is nearby. By optimizing this process you can create a familiar, a special cat which traps usable - albeit still minuscule - amounts of vis. It has no ability to contain this energy for long, however, so you will need to stand nearby while holding the wand you wish to charge. This process also works with a worn amulet of vis storage.

Multiple familiars in close proximity can charge your gear much more quickly.

Many ancient cultures revered cats as keepers of the underworld. Your research has revealed a grain of truth behind these myths, as Exanimis essentia turns out to react violently to cats' presence.

You have harnessed this phenomenon to create the gravekeeper, an enchanted cat whose glow immolates nearby undead. It also seems to hold an antipathy toward such creatures and will actively seek them out unless commanded to remain still.

All but the most intelligent undead do not attack the gravekeeper, leading you to suspect that it is somehow invisible to them."

Mob Infusion Recipe[edit]

GUI TC4 Infusion.png
Infusion Altar
Potion of Strength
Guardian Panther
Cat (Thaumic Horizons)


Guardian Panther has no known uses in crafting.