Disposable Crystalline Wand

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Disposable Crystalline Wand
Disposable Crystalline Wand

Name Disposable Crystalline Wand
Source Mod Thaumic Horizons
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Disposable Crystalline Wand is an item added by the Thaumic Horizons mod. It is a wand which can hold 250 Vis of each type and will provide 10% Vis discount. This wand cannot be recharged, but it is crafted already charged at full capacity. It can be obtained by throwing Inert Crystal Wand in Planar Vortex and then right-clicking the Vortex by any wand.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Crystalline Wand
Disposable magic

Research aspects in this item[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"All advanced wands incorporate shards into their design, but only for the purpose of amplifying another material's ability to store vis. On their own, shards are wholly incapable of absorbing additional magic and so cannot drain an aura node - but what if you were to take them straight to the source?

By constructing a wandlike arrangement of crystals and passing it into the void, you have created a curious device - a wand with tremendous vis capacity but no ability to ever recharge itself. Perhaps it could be used to craft objects unattainable with traditional wands."


Disposable Crystalline Wand has no known uses in crafting.