Gallium (GregTech 5 Material)

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Gallium is a material added by GregTech 5 mod.

Gallium is a LV-tier material, it is required for diodes which are needed for basic MV circuits. It is also used at HV-tier, where it is required for SMD circuit components. SMD components can be substituted with the more primitive level, but not for nanoprocessors and above. This metal is also required to create some midgame and endgame alloys.

Material Forms[edit]

In GregTech 5 Gallium comes in these forms:

GUI Material Tree GT5.png

Gallium Dust
Small Pile of Gallium Dust
Tiny Pile of Gallium Dust
Gallium Ingot
Gallium Nugget
Block of Gallium
Gallium Plate
Molten Gallium

Obtaining Material[edit]

There are several ways of obtaining this material.