Diamond Shard (Factorization)

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Diamond Shard
Diamond Shard

Diamond Shard

Name Diamond Shard
Source Mod Factorization
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Diamond Shard is an item from Factorization and an essential ingredient in making the Wrath Igniter and Diamond Cutting Head. The recipe is fairly expensive, requiring Obsidian, TNT, and a Block of Diamond. This will produce a Craftpacket with the recipe in it, which can be converted into 18 Diamond Shards in a Craftpacket Stamper.

Another way to get diamond shards is to let explode a diamond block, which requires only one TNT and nine diamonds for the same amount of shards. Any explosion is valid (as far as it destoys the block), so using the IC2 Industrial TNT, you can retrieve your diamond block (may be a glitch).


Before 1.6[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Block of Diamond

Diamond shard recipe.png

Since 1.6[edit]

With the removal of craftpackets and related functionality Diamond Shards are now obtained by blowing up Blocks of Diamond with any explosive.


Diamond Shard (Factorization) can be used to create the following items:


In FTB Unleashed if you use Industrial TNT in place of standard TNT you will create diamond shards as well as receiving back the original block of Diamond due to Industrial TNT not destroying blocks when it explodes. This bug can effectively generate an endless supply of shards providing you have enough Industrial TNT.