Bucket of Biodiesel

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Bucket of Biodiesel
Bucket of Biodiesel

Name Bucket of Biodiesel
Source Mod Immersive Engineering
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Bucket of Biodiesel is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. It is a bucket which contains Biodiesel, a liquid fuel used in the Diesel Generator. The fuel is also compatible with various machines from other mods.


BioDiesel is produced inside of an Immersive Engeneering Refinery. Biodiesel is 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Seed Oil makes 2 parts BioDiesel.

1mb Ethanol + 1mb Seed Oil = 2mb BioDiesel

Each 2mb of BioDiesel takes 1 tick and 10 RF to make.


Bucket of Biodiesel has no known uses in crafting.