Bedrock Leggings

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Bedrock Leggings
Bedrock Leggings

Bedrock Leggings

Name Bedrock Leggings
Source Mod RotaryCraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 2147483638
Armor 10 (Armor.pngArmor.pngArmor.pngArmor.pngArmor.png)

A pair of Bedrock Leggings are an unbreakable armor piece from the RotaryCraft mod.

When crafted the Bedrock Leggings will already have the enchantment Fire Protection IV. Extra Enchantments may be applied with an Anvil.


GUI Blast Furnace.png
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot
Bedrock Alloy Ingot

Bedrock Leggings



Bedrock Leggings has no known uses in crafting.

See Also[edit]

The following items may also be of interest: