Aluminum Torch

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Aluminum Torch
Aluminum Torch

Name Aluminum Torch
Source Mod XyCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Aluminum Torch is a XyCraft block that produces a light level of 15. This upgraded version of a Sulfur Torch not only provides more light than a vanilla Torch, but also doesn't produce any Sulfur Goo, making less of a mess. All mechanics of this torch are the same as a vanilla torch as it can be placed on all solid blocks. It is highly advised to use regular sulfur torches if you wish to obtain sulfur goo.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Sulfur Torch

Aluminum Torch


This video show how to make and use aluminum torches, sulfur torches, and how to make an efficient sulfur goo farm.

See Also[edit]