Wireless Sniffer

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Wireless Sniffer
Wireless Sniffer

Name Wireless Sniffer
Source Mod Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

The Wireless Sniffer is an item added by the Wireless Redstone mod that "sniffs" for activated signal frequencies. When a Wireless Redstone frequency is activated, the dimmed out red box assigned to that frequency lights up. You can view that frequency number by mousing over the box. There are 5,000 frequencies available.

This can be useful for checking to see if a frequency is in use or not. Another method of this is the Private Sniffer, as it can reserve frequencies for the player, and tell if the frequency is in use.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Receiver Dish
Wireless Transceiver (Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition)
Receiver Dish
Redstone Dust
Button (Stone)
Redstone Dust
Wireless Sniffer