Wireless Receiver (Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition)

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Wireless Receiver
Wireless Receiver

Wireless Receiver

Name Wireless Receiver
Source Mod Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
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The Wireless Receiver is an item added by the Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition mod. It allows to capture wireless transmission of a Redstone signal from a Wireless Transmitter. 'Right-click' to access its GUI to set the frequency that it will receive. This frequency will be displayed on the item. The default frequency is 0 and non functional.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Receiver Dish

Obsidian Stick
Smooth Stone Slab
Smooth Stone Slab
Smooth Stone Slab
Wireless Receiver (Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition)

Prior to 1.7.10[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Receiver Dish

Obsidian Stick

Stone Wafer
Stone Wire
Stone Wire
Wireless Receiver (Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition)


Wireless Receiver (Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition) has no known uses in crafting.

