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Climate is a trait of Bees that describes the species preferred temperature. Combined with Humidity, it determines what Biomes the bee will work in. The types of acceptable Climates for a given bee can be modified by having increased Temperature Tolerances as part of that bee's traits, but Climate itself is species-linked. There are six possible values, ranging from Icy to Hellish. Hellish only exists in the Nether, and cannot normally be simulated even with use of Alveary Heaters. Bees will only produce their Specialty Product in a preferred environment. More about bee traits can be found on the Bee Breeding page.

Temperature Arid Normal Damp

0% - 5%

Alpine, Glacier, Ice Wasteland, Tundra Frozen Ocean, Frozen River, Ice Plains, Ice Mountains, Mountain Taiga

5% - 20%

Snow Forest, Taiga Snowy Rainforest

20% - 120%

Crag Autumn Woods, Beach, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Dense Twilight Forest, Enchanted Forest, Extreme Hills, Fire Swamp, Forest, Forested Hills, Forested Island, Highlands, Meadow, Mushrooms, Ocean, Pine Forest, Plains, River, Shrubland, Sky, Twilight Clearing, Twilight Forest, Woodlands Green Hills, Green Swamplands, Lots of Mushrooms, Marsh, Mushroom Island, Rainforest, Redwood Forest, Redwood Lush, Swampland, Temperate Rainforest, Twilight Lake, Twilight Stream, Twilight Swamp

120% - 200%

Extreme Jungle, Jungle, Mini Jungle

200% - 250%

Desert, Mountain Desert, Mountain Ridge, Savanna, Wasteland

