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For what mods does this wrench work?

I have successfully used the OmniWrench with:
  • Vanilla (levers, rails, logs, slabs, etc.)
  • IndustrialCraft 2 (BatBox, MFSU, Solar Panel, Macerator, etc.)
  • GregTech 4 (Implosion Compressor, Industrial Grinder, Matter Fabricator, etc.)
  • Thermal Expansion (Aqueous Accumulator, Magma Crucible, Portable Tank, Redstone Energy Cell & Conduit, Liquiduct, etc.)
  • BuildCraft 3 (Stirling Engine, Transport Pipe, etc.)
  • Forestry (Electrical Engine, etc.)
The only mod I am aware of that the OmniWrench is incompatible with is RedPower 2. --JjRZnmX rMHiP5FG0 (talk) 09:57, 7 February 2013 (CET)