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Name OmniWrench
Source Mod OmniTools
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

The OmniWrench is an item added by OmniTools, along with the Forge Lexicon. It acts as a universal wrench to many mod items, as well as certain vanilla blocks, such as logs and chests. It also has unlimited uses, does not require energy.

When dealing with IC2 items, it works like the lossless mode on the Electric Wrench. Certain GregTech machines can only be removed if right clicked from the TOP or BOTTOM face, keep this in mind. Solar panels may only be removed by clicking on the side faces, and charge pads may only be removed when right-clicked from the bottom.


  • When using the OmniWrench on a Personal Safe, it will remove the block along with everything inside. It will do the same to Safes owned by other server members as well, making the item a potential security hazard.
  • When shift-clicking an IC2 item with a moveable face, an MFE for example, the block requires a block update to switch faces. Attempting to shift-click again will result in the block dropping as an item. Due to this, it is wise to be especially careful when using an OmniWrench on an energy storage block, as it is very easy to lose all the EU in it. You could also drain the block of its energy before use, if possible.


Note: The wool is required to be Cyan, and you may not use rockwool.

GUI Crafting Table.png


