Sticky Jars

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Sticky Jars is an upgrade to all existing jars from Thaumcraft 4 and its addons, allowing them to be placed sideways added by the Gadomancy mod.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Sticky Jars
Stick 'em up!

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"Warded jars are any thaumaturge's bread and butter, but they can be a bit difficult to arrange when large tangles of essentia tubes get involved. You decided to alleviate this minor difficulty by applying some adhesive to the bottom of the jar. Any jar that has its base coated will stick to the surface it is placed on, even if the surface is facing sideways or upside down. Breaking the jar does not remove the adhesive, allowing sticky jars to be reused. Also many other types of essentia containing jars other than basic warded jars can accept this alteration."

Example Recipe[edit]

After this recipe Mirrored Jar will be upgraded to sticky version.

GUI Arcane Worktable.png
Mirrored Jar


Mirrored Jar