Node Randomization

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Node Randomization is a concept of obtaining or removing different Aura Node Modifiers introduced in Gadomancy mod.

The process of randomization requires a multiblock structure to be built around the Aura Node.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Node Manipulator
Almost like roulette

Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"Aura nodes have intrigued you for the longest time. Where do they come from? Why are there so many varieties? After some time, you found yourself asking another question entirely; would it be possible to change how a node functions? After journeying far across the world and into the depths of the ancient eldritch mazes, you found a set of materials capable of changing the way aura behaves. After carefully developing these materials, and using them to augment the only device you found to be capable of channeling pure vis directly from a node, one of the most dangerous machines you could fathom finally fell within your grasp.

The Node Manipulator is a device that essentially works in a manner opposite to that of a wand recharge pedestal. By drawing vis from a wand or staff and channeling it back into the node, the node manipulator will force a node to destabilize slightly.

The manipulator's main pedestal is not stable enough to alter nodes on its own. By adding a specially modified focus to hold the wand/staff in place for vis extraction and a set of pillars to channel the extracted vis into the node, the device is finally ready for use. Just place a wand/staff on the pedestal, and the node manipulator will start automatically.

The Node Manipulator needs at least 70 of all six primal aspects to begin manipulating a node, but allowing more that 70 seems to yield greater results.

Despite all of your research into node behavior, you still haven't the slightest idea what the node manipulator will actually do to aura nodes. The only way to find out seems to be testing it out..."


In order to build the structure, the player needs:


Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Aura Node

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Ancient Stone
Ancient Stone

Randomization Focus

Ancient Stone
Ancient Stone

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Ancient Stone Pedestal
Ancient Stone Pedestal

Node Manipulator (Gadomancy)

Ancient Stone Pedestal
Ancient Stone Pedestal

After construction the structure must be activated with any wand. Activation costs 100 Vis of each type.

Process of Randomization[edit]

Place a wand with at least 70 Vis of each type in the Node Manipulator and wait for the process to complete. The process will attempt to restart as long as the wand has more than 70 Vis of each type, so the wand is better to be removed after first iteration.

The manipulator can accept up to 120 Vis of each type, which reduces the chance of a negative outcome.

Possible outcomes and their chances are as follows:

4/24: Break down all compound aspects to primal

5/24: Randomly combine some of the node's aspects

4/24: Improve brightness (Fading->Pale->Normal->Bright)

5/24: Decrease brightness

3/24: Add some random primal Vis to the node

2/24: Change the type of the node. There is a 1/4 chance to set the node to Normal, 1/8th chance each to set the node to Sinister or Pure, 3/40 chance to make the node Unstable, 1/40 chance each to make the node Hungry or Tainted.

1/24: Change the affected node to Growing.

Growing nodes can absorb Compound (but not Primal) Crystallized Essence, Wisps, Aspect Orbs, Essences, or Mana Beans, and have a chance to gain/increase that aspect. However, overfeeding the node, or feeding it too much of the same aspect, can have dire consequences.