Provider Logistics Pipe

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Provider Logistics Pipe
Provider Logistics Pipe

Name Provider Logistics Pipe
Source Mod Logistics Pipes
ID Name Unknown
Type Logistics Pipe
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Provider Logistics Pipe is a pipe from Logistics Pipes. It can provide the contents of adjacent inventories to the connected logistics network, allowing other pipes to access and request them.

The Provider Logistics Pipe can be upgraded to a Provider Logistics Pipe Mk2 which operates much faster.


The pipe's GUI can be accessed by right-clicking it with a BuildCraft-compatible Wrench. It has nine slots that can store ghost items, and two buttons. Placing items in the slots determines what items to provide (if the left button is set to Include) or what items not to provide (if the left button is set to Exclude). If the grid is empty all items will be provided.

The second button controls the providing mode. The following modes are available:

  • Normal: Provides all items in connected inventories.
  • Leave first stack: Provides all items except the first stack of each inventory. Note that this makes it impossible to provide items from single-slot inventories.
  • Leave first and last stack: Provides all items except the first and last stacks of each inventory. Note that this makes it impossible to provide items from single-slot inventories and two-slot inventories.
  • Leave 1 item per stack: Provides all items but one of each stack. Note that this makes it impossible to provide unstackable items.
  • Leave 1 item per type: Provides all items but one of each type. Note that this makes it impossible to provide unstackable items from one-stack inventories.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Gear (BuildCraft)

Basic Logistics Pipe

Provider Logistics Pipe
GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Golden Chipset

Basic Logistics Pipe

Redstone Torch

Provider Logistics Pipe