Manasteel Leggings

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Manasteel Leggings
Manasteel Leggings

Name Manasteel Leggings
Source Mod Botania
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 241
Armor 5 (Armor.pngArmor.pngHalf Armor.png)

Manasteel Leggings is an armor item added by the Botania mod. It offers the same level of protection as Iron Leggings, but instead of taking damage, uses mana from the player's inventory.
Full set of Manasteel Armor gives 10% less mana cost on Mana instruments.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Leggings

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manaweave Robe Bottom
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Ingot
Manasteel Leggings


Manasteel Leggings can be used to create the following items: