ME Conduit

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ME Conduit
ME Conduit

Name ME Conduit
Source Mod EnderIO
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

ME Conduit is an item added by the EnderIO mod. It is a conduit which can replace a ME Cable from the Applied Energistics 2 mod. It offers 4 channels in 1.6.4 and 8 channels in 1.7.10 for the ME Network. Unlike the ME Cable, the conduit can not connect to microblocks added by Applied Energistics, such as the ME Terminal or most of the buses added by the mod. It will however connect up to ME Cables and their dense variety. ME Conduits do not allow for color coding, as cables do; they must be physically separated to run more than 32 channels.

Unlike its Applied Energistics 2 counterpart, just like any other cable from EnderIO, the ME Conduit can be ran directly through Chisel blocks and other decorative connecting blocks by using a Conduit Facade for easy concealment. The ME Conduit can also be placed within the same block as other types of conduits, automatically being bound together with Conduit Connectors, for a total of up to 5 conduits per block. This allows players to greatly optimize the amount of space they use to run transport "cabling" for items, fluids, energy, etc.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Fluix Crystal
Quartz Fiber (Applied Energistics 2)
Fluix Crystal
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
ME Conduit

Note: Fluix Crystal Fluix Crystal can be substituted with Pure Fluix Crystal Pure Fluix Crystal.

Before MC 1.6.4[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Fluix Dust
Fluix Dust
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
ME Conduit


ME Conduit can be used to create the following items:

See Also[edit]