Fluid Conduit

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Fluid Conduit
Fluid Conduit

Name Fluid Conduit
Source Mod EnderIO
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Fluid Conduit is a block used to transport liquids. The maximum transfer rate depends on a liquid itself but the basic Fluid Conduit typically can extract 50 mb/t from a tank and can carry 200 mb/t through a single conduit. Fluid conduits are also affected by gravity whereas the Pressurized Fluid Conduit and Ender Fluid Conduit are not.

As of the 1.7.1 EnderIO update, Degradation was added. If a fluid sits in the conduit without moving for an estimated 24 to 32 hours they begin to have a leaking-type particle effect, this affects the transfer rate of the pipe, losing about 1/4 of the liquid being transported. The only known way to fix this is by right-clicking with a wrench and re-placing the conduit.

Any BuildCraft-compatible wrench can be used to configure and connect Fluid Conduits but the Yeta Wrench has special features specific to conduits and is more useful.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Quite Clear Glass
Quite Clear Glass
Quite Clear Glass
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Conduit Binder
Fluid Conduit

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Conduit Binder
Servo (Thermal Dynamics)
Conduit Binder
Temperate Fluiduct
Temperate Fluiduct
Temperate Fluiduct
Conduit Binder
Servo (Thermal Dynamics)
Conduit Binder
Fluid Conduit

See Also[edit]

Leaking fluid conduit