Enriched Iron

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Enriched Iron
Enriched Iron

Name Enriched Iron
Source Mod Mekanism
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Enriched Iron is a substance added by the Mekanism mod. The item is an intermediary step needed to create steel in the mod. It can be converted into steel on a Metallurgic Infuser.


Since 1.6[edit]

GUI Metallurgic Infuser.png
Compressed Carbon (Mekanism)
Iron Ingot
Enriched Iron

The Compressed Carbon in the recipe can be exchanged with Coal or Charcoal as well.

Before 1.6[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Enriched Alloy

Iron Ingot

Enriched Alloy

Enriched Iron
GUI Crafting Table.png
Copper Dust (Mekanism)

Iron Ingot

Copper Dust (Mekanism)

Enriched Iron
GUI Crafting Table.png
Tin Dust (Mekanism)

Iron Ingot

Tin Dust (Mekanism)

Enriched Iron


Enriched Iron can be used to create the following items: