Ender Shot

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Ender Shot
Ender Shot

Ender Shot

Name Ender Shot
Source Mod Xeno's Reliquary
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes

These are the uber bullets, aptly named, and they are an upgrade to the Seeker. In addition to hunting targets, they pierce targets and continue to seek new ones. They don't last long.

WARNING: Be advised that both Seeker and Ender bullets kill without discrimination. They will seek out any living entity within a 10 block cube centered around the projectile, with the intention of pwning it. Do not fire these near anything you do not wish to be very, very dead.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Eye of Ender
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Seeker Shot
Ender Shot