Emperor's Chalice

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Emperor's Chalice
Item Emperor's Chalice.png

Name Emperor's Chalice
Source Mod Xeno's Reliquary
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Emperor's Chalice is an item added by the Xeno's Reliquary mod. It acts as an infinite water bucket. However, if you're not aiming directly at a block (as you would with a bucket of water) you will instead drink from the chalice and restore one point (half a drumstick) of hunger, in exchange for half a heart.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot

Void Tear

Emperor's Chalice

Before 1.7[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot
Ghast Tear
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Ghast Tear
Gold Ingot
Ghast Tear
Emperor's Chalice


-The mechanic of trading health for hunger can be exploited quite easily to provide infinite food and health. Depending on the level of health, you can simply drink until you are full, and your full hunger will replenish the health used for free. Of course, one must keep in mind that if they do not have enough health to get their hunger filled, they may just hurt themselves very badly and not be able to regenerate the health they lost.

Also, using infinity water in the ocean might mess up the water in the ocean.


Emperor's Chalice has no known uses in crafting.