Carpenter's Tile

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Carpenter's Tile
Item Carpenter's Tile.png

Name Carpenter's Tile
Source Mod Carpenter's Blocks
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Carpenter's Hammer

Display of Carpenter's Tile Patterns.

The Carpenter's Tile is an item added by the Carpenter's Blocks mod.

A purely decorative wallpaper like panel with 14 unique patterns. The tiles can be coloured by Shift+Right-clicking it with any of the 16 colour dyes. Bonemeal will remove the effects of any Dye used and revert the tile to its original appearance. Clicking or Right-clicking it while holding the Carpenter's Hammer will allow the Player to cycle through the available patterns, Shift+Right-clicking will rotate the pattern on the tiles and Shift+Clicking will remove the Tile.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Hardened Clay
Hardened Clay
Hardened Clay
Carpenter's Block
Carpenter's Block
Carpenter's Block

Carpenter's Tile


Carpenter's Tile has no known uses in crafting.