Writing Desk

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Writing Desk
Writing Desk

Name Writing Desk
Source Mod Mystcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown
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The Writing Desk is part of the Mystcraft mod, and is used to rename Ages, write new Ages, and record Age Symbols in a Notebook.

When placed, the Writing Desk will occupy 2 blocks, and is placed like a bed, despite this resulting in the desk appearing sideways. so for example if you would like the desk to appear flush against a wall, you would need to stand facing parallel to the wall when placing it.

A writing desk can be found in a Mystcraft Archivist's House in Villages.


The interface can be a little complex and non-straightforward due to a lack of indicators for what goes where.

  • The left half is for book management. Place a notebook in a tab, and you can drag pages in and out of the area just to the right of the tab.
    • Here is where you place the book with the symbols that you want to copy
  • The right half is for writing material for cloning symbol pages.
    • Place ink in the right liquid inventory by putting ink vials (two ink and one Water Bottle/Two ink, one empty bottle and one water bucket) in the top-right (empty bottles will output in the slot below).
    • Paper goes in the top-left slot.
    • Notebooks go in the bottom-left slot, and can then be named (Descriptive books can be renamed here too) in the black box just to the right.

1 - Place every material on their respective slots

2 - Select the book from which you want to copy the page

3 - Right-click the page you want to copy (each copy costs 50 from the ink pool)


GUI Crafting Table.png
Glass Bottle
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Writing Desk
